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House of Dementia

House of Dementia (2009)

Tracks: 13, Tabs: 2

The Pleasure in Suffering

The Pleasure in Suffering (2005)

Tracks: 12, Tabs: 2

Collection of Butchery

Collection of Butchery (2003)

Tracks: 12, Tabs: 10

Bleed for Me

Bleed for Me (2001)

Tracks: 5, Tabs: 1

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Putrid Pile

Putrid Pile

Country: US

In late 1995, Shaun LaCanne joined Num Skull and had a 5 year reign of terror with the likes of Tom Bradner (Guitar), Paul Benigno (Vocals), Mike Eisenhauer (Bass), and Scott Creekmore (Drums). We went through a couple of lineup changes introducing M... Read more

Albums: 4

Tabs: 15

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Band members:

Shaun LaCanne