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In Memoriam

In Memoriam (2005)

Tracks: 12, Tabs: 8

Conceived in Fire

Conceived in Fire (2002)

Tracks: 13, Tabs: 4

The Hammering Process

The Hammering Process (2000)

Tracks: 10, Tabs: 8

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Living Sacrifice
Not to be confused with pre-Drain S.T.H. all-girl punk band, Livin' Sacrifice. --==-- Living Sacrifice formed in the fall of 1989 by Darren "D.J." Johnson (bass/ vocals), Lance Garvin (drums), Bruce Fitzhugh (guitar) and Jason Truby (guitar). Sta... Read more

Albums: 3

Tabs: 20

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Band members:

Arthur Green

Bruce Fitzhugh

Lance Garvin

Rocky Gray