Wavering Radiant

Wavering Radiant (2009)

Tracks: 7, Tabs: 12

In the Absence of Truth

In the Absence of Truth (2006)

Tracks: 9, Tabs: 1


Panopticon (2004)

Tracks: 7, Tabs: 9


Oceanic (2002)

Tracks: 9, Tabs: 17


Celestial (2000)

Tracks: 11, Tabs: 1

The Red Sea

The Red Sea (1999)

Tracks: 7, Tabs: 1

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Country: US

There are at least eight artists that have used the name Isis: 1. Isis was a Los Angeles, CA based band that started in Boston, MA in 1997. They borrowed from and helped to evolve a sound pioneered by the likes of Neurosis and Godflesh, creating hea... Read more

Albums: 6

Tabs: 41

Band rating
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Band members:

Aaron Harris

Aaron Turner

Bryant Clifford Meyer

Jeff Caxide

Mike Gallagher