Destined to Violate

Destined to Violate (2014)

Tracks: 13, Tabs: 1

Orgy of Murder

Orgy of Murder (2011)

Tracks: 11, Tabs: 2

Masticate to Dominate

Masticate to Dominate (2003)

Tracks: 10, Tabs: 12

Bleeding Profusely

Bleeding Profusely (2001)

Tracks: 11, Tabs: 11

Stabwound Intercourse

Stabwound Intercourse (1998)

Tracks: 6, Tabs: 6

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Country: US

Gorgasm is a brutal death metal band formed in 1994 in Lafayette, Indiana, USA. They released four albums and are well known for their shocking cover art and explicit lyrics dealing with controversial things such as coprophilia, necrophilia, mutilati... Read more

Albums: 5

Tabs: 32

Band rating
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Band members:

Damian Leski

Matt Kilner

Sasha Chrosciewicz