The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull

The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull (2008)

Tracks: 7, Tabs: 9

HEX; or Printing in the Infernal Method

HEX; or Printing in the Infernal Method (2005)

Tracks: 9, Tabs: 5

Pentastar: In the Style of Demons

Pentastar: In the Style of Demons (1996)

Tracks: 8, Tabs: 4

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Country: US

There is more than one artist with this name: 1) Earth is an American musical group based in Olympia, Washington, formed in 1989 and led by the guitarist Dylan Carlson. Earth's music is nearly all instrumental, and can be divided into two distinct s... Read more

Albums: 3

Tabs: 18

Band rating
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Band members:

Adrienne Davies

Bill Herzog

Don McGreevy

Dylan Carlson