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Astronomica (1999)

Tracks: 10, Tabs: 6


Transcendence (1988)

Tracks: 10, Tabs: 31

Crimson Glory

Crimson Glory (1986)

Tracks: 8, Tabs: 9

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Crimson Glory
Crimson Glory was an American heavy metal band that formed in 1983 in Sarasota, Florida. They started in 1979 under the monikers 'Pierced Arrow', then 'Beowulf', before settling on Crimson Glory. The classic line-up consisted of vocalist Midnight, gu... Read more

Albums: 3

Tabs: 46

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Band members:

Ben Jackson

Dana Burnell

Jeff Lords

Jon Drenning

Ravi Jahkotia

Ravi Jakhotia

Ravi Jakotia

Tony Lee Wise

Wade Black