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Terrasite (2023)

Tracks: 10, Tabs: 3

Death Atlas

Death Atlas (2019)

Tracks: 15, Tabs: 5

The Anthropocene Extinction

The Anthropocene Extinction (2015)

Tracks: 12, Tabs: 6

Monolith of Inhumanity

Monolith of Inhumanity (2012)

Tracks: 12, Tabs: 8

The Harvest Floor

The Harvest Floor (2009)

Tracks: 11, Tabs: 7

To Serve Man

To Serve Man (2002)

Tracks: 13, Tabs: 19


Homovore (2000)

Tracks: 16, Tabs: 4

Human Jerky

Human Jerky (1999)

Tracks: 18, Tabs: 6

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Cattle Decapitation
Cattle Decapitation is an American deathgrind band from San Diego, California. Originally founded in 1996, Cattle Decapitation's songs protest the mistreatment and consumption of animals as well as the abuse of the environment. Lyrics may also focus... Read more

Albums: 8

Tabs: 58

Band rating
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Band members:

Belisario Dimuzio

David McGraw

Josh Elmore

Olivier Pinard

Travis Ryan