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  3. After the Burial

Evergreen (2019)

Tracks: 9, Tabs: 5

Dig Deep

Dig Deep (2016)

Tracks: 9, Tabs: 10

Wolves Within

Wolves Within (2013)

Tracks: 9, Tabs: 9

In Dreams

In Dreams (2010)

Tracks: 8, Tabs: 7


Rareform (2008)

Tracks: 8, Tabs: 14

Forging a Future Self

Forging a Future Self (2006)

Tracks: 9, Tabs: 13

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After the Burial
After the Burial is an American metal band from White Bear Lake, Minnesota, United States formed in 2004. Minnesota's After The Burial broke into the scene in 2004, bringing with them their own style of aggressive hardcore metal. With punishing rhyt... Read more

Albums: 6

Tabs: 58

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Band members:

Adrian Oropeza

Anthony Notarmaso

Dan Carle

Trent Hafdahl